Dermal Fillers


Nasolabial folds (smile lines), Vertical lip lines ( smokers wrinkles), Marionette Lines (Jowls), Lips, Tear Troughs (Eye bags), Cheek, Jawline, Chin and Nose

Filler is made of Hyaluronic Acid. A water loving molecule that binds up to 400 x its weight in water. It works like a sponge and fills up with water upon injection filling out fine lines/wrinkles and plumping lips. Young skin is moisturized with this hyaluronic acid and naturally occurring sugar. It keeps our skin hydrated via absorption of the water. As we age, this volume of hyaluronic acid decreases and fine lines begin to appear that will eventually turn into wrinkles. In the lips, this causes thinning, loss of fullness, volume and definition. We can also develop vertical or marionette lines around the mouth that cause your mouth to droop, giving you an unhappy appearance. Nasolabial folds can also become deeper due to age-ing along with other factors such as sun exposure, lifestyle, muscle imbalances and so on.

A pre numb will be used for 10 minutes prior to the procedure to help minimise any initial discomfort.  The injection itself also contains lidocaine (numb) within the product to ease pain of injection. Here at KISS we use only the best products on the market, ensuring the smoothest of consistency and ease of injection.

Here at KISS we have gone the extra mile to ensure cannulas are available for all treatments. This is where a needle is used to pierce the skin only once and then a blunt device is inserted into one entry point from which the entire treatment is carried out. This technique is proven to cause less bruising due to no sharp needles and therefore less trauma resulting in less down time. You are welcome to request a cannula if you would prefer one although this is not
recommended for lips as the area is so small and therefore a cannula would be less precise.

You may experience redness, bruising or swelling in the injected area. These effects should not last longer than 2 weeks. Light makeup can be applied 6 hours after procedure.

Every individual is different. What may give an immediate result on one client may take two or three sessions to achieve on another. Likewise, what may last 1 year on one client may last less than 12 weeks on another. This is due to several factors including lifestyle, skin type, etabolism etc. Filler does however take time to build up, regardless of how natural you want it. Please be patient and expect to visit frequently for top ups over the first year to build a base.

This will help ensure your treatment area lasts longer and once that base is in place – should need less maintenance in the future.

In most cases filler can be dissolved and reversed by hyaluronidase. This is administered via small injections to break the product down.

You will be numbed within minutes of entering the building so by the time comes you will feel only mild discomfort. The products also contain a numbing agent which numbs further once treatment has begun. Don’t forget our technicians deal with nervous clients on a day to day basis and will do everything they can to ensure you are as comfortable as possible. The team are fantastic, and will hold your hand every step of the way. We have you covered – chocolate is always on hand!

For medical reasons we are unable to treat those who;

+ Have had or are planning to have a Corona Vaccination or booster within the two week period before, and three week period after scheduled treatment.
+ Have severe active acne in the treatment area and/or those using steroids, chemical peels or retinol in the two weeks prior to appointment.
+ Have an active cold sore/oral herpes on day of treatment
+ Have been on anti-biotics within the past two weeks for facial/oral infection.
+ Are immunocompromised and/or unwell on the day of the appointment – Flu/Cold/Virus ( to prevent complications ).
+ Have had facial surgery in the past 12 months.
+ Have had dermal filler elsewhere in the past 12 weeks ( there is a risk of complications with mixing products ).
+ Are undergoing, or have received chemotherapy within the last 6 months/or are on any auto-immune medication. Auto Immune medication must be stopped 6 months prior with a doctor’s note.
+ We feel are not ready, or suitable for treatment.

It is important to note that it might take multiple treatments to achieve your desired result. Although it may be expensive to build initially, maintaining results are easy once you get there. Regardless, you shouldn’t begin a journey until you’re ready to commit. Dermal fillers are temporary and require upkeep once or twice a year. This is paramount to consider before booking.

If you’re torn between two treatments don’t worry – feel free to book either. It’s very common for people to change treatment during the consultation with our technician.   We appreciate not everyone knows what they want and will work with our clients to understand their needs and expectations on the day!

The technician will review your features/lifestyle during your consultation and will use the product most suited to you for optimum results and longevity. We pride ourselves as a premium brand and therefore only use premium products.

Please allow up to 14 days for swelling or bruising to go down. If you have any concerns after 14 days please send us an email at

On the booking system – please see the last minute tab to see our cancellations list.

If your not able to find a booking on the system we are fully booked or closed on this date. Please search for another date to make your booking.

We advise all clients to wait a minimum of 48hrs before flying. It is very rare for complications to occur however in theses circumstances you would need to return to the clinic for an emergency reversal protocol.

Unfortunately not. All clients need to register to make a booking, pay a deposit and agree to our T+C’s online. Our time slots are very limited and it’s not possible to squeeze two clients into one booking. We want to take our time and give you the best possible results!

As per our T+C’s all booking fees payments are strictly non refundable, sorry.

You are able to re-schedule your appointment online yourself up to 48 HOURS before your scheduled appointment. All re-scheduling can be done via your confirmation email. Failure to do so within this 48 HOUR period will result in loss of your booking fee. Your appointment can be rescheduled once only. Further reschedules require a new booking entirely and your booking fee will be lost.

All clients must be 18 at the time of the treatment. Anyone that looks under the age of 25 will be asked for ID.

Russian lips is a technique used by our technician for lip fillers. Please book lip filler by the ml (as usual) and our technician will discuss technique with you during your consultation.

We no longer offer consultations in isolation.

This is because most of our patients choose to go ahead, and are therefore disappointed to have to return on another day for the treatment itself.

Instead, we ask that you book an appointment for the treatment that you think you may need/want to discuss, and we can discuss your concerns on the day, with no absolutely no obligation to go ahead. If we feel that you are unsuitable, we are also happy to suggest alternatives and give our professional advice regarding other treatments that may be better suited to your goals.

In the event that ( after your face to face consultation ) you choose to go home and think about it, or decide against a treatment – your deposit would then be refunded back to you. If you do decide to go ahead with a treatment, the deposit will come off the cost of the treatment.

Don’t worry If you are unsure which treatment to book – simply book what you ‘ think ‘ you would like, and we can change the treatment plan on the day as we see fit.

Unfortunately this is not something we offer at our clinics at this moment.

Unfortunately due to the nature of the business we are not insured to allow children on the premises. If you arrive with children you will be asked to leave and therefore forfeit your deposit. We apologise in advance for the inconvenience.